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DITAS European Project VDC Implementation

DITAS VDC Blueprint JSON Schema

*You can find, download & view the schema under the “jsonSchemas” folder in the main repository, named “ditasSchema.json”*
*We also remind you that you can view the json schema (as well as any other json document) here*

The DITAS VDC Blueprint’s standard JSON schema consists of five different sections. These sections are: Both five sections are considered as required fields/objects. Of course, each section stands as a different json object.

Internal Structure: This is the first section, citing general information about the VDC Blueprint. It is a json object and consists of eight properties: Note that only two of the aforementioned eight properties are considered as “required” to be filled. These are the Overview and Data Sources fields/properties.

Data Management: This is the second section. It is a json array and actually consists of different methods. Its properties are: Note that both properties are considered as “required” to be filled.

Abstract Properties: This is the third section. Any abstract properties of the VDC are included here. This section does not (intentionally) have a specific structure, since any property (of unknown structure beforehand) can be cited.

Cookbook Appendix: This is the fourth section. It mirrors the Cookbook Appendix section in the VDC Blueprint and, as a json object, it consists of three properties:
Exposed API: This is the fifth and final section of the standard DITAS Blueprint JSON Schema. It is a json object. We could specify it as the CAF API, since it is the CAF RESTful API of the VDC, written according to the version (3.0.2) of the OpenAPI Specification (OAS), but also adapted to DITAS requirements. It consists of one property and two definitions:

VDC Editor for DITAS European Project

A Blueprint JSON Schema Editor has been implemented, according to the DITAS European Project’s Schema. The editor is fully functional and you can find the complete code under “DITASjsonSchemaEditor” folder. After downloading the distribution package, all you need to do is run the ‘index.html’ file, inside the ‘html’ folder of the distribution. The editor will open in your native browser and, then, you are free to start using it. As we mentioned above, the editor is built upon the Blueprint JSON Schema of DITAS, which means that all sections and fields are exactly the same as the ones we analysed earlier (“DITAS VDC Blueprint JSON Schema”). If one understands the DITAS Schema, then he will be able to use the editor fluently. The editor is well structured and will always notify you, in case your input does not match the criteria (meaning, the Schema). For the developers who wish to dive into the editor’s code, an Excel document named “blueprint editor settings.xlsx” is located right under the distribution folder, containing some information regarding the HTML attributes. There is a short introduction to the editors UI below:
